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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
CEP164Centrosomal protein 164
CEP170Centrosomal protein 170
CEP170BCentrosomal protein 170B
CEP19Centrosomal protein 19
CEP192Centrosomal protein 192
CEP250Centrosomal protein 250
CEP290Centrosomal protein 290
CEP295Centrosomal protein 295
CEP350Centrosomal protein 350
CEP41Centrosomal protein 41
CEP44Centrosomal protein 44
CEP55Centrosomal protein 55
CEP57Centrosomal protein 57
CEP57L1Centrosomal protein 57 like 1
CEP63Centrosomal protein 63
CEP68Centrosomal protein 68
CEP70Centrosomal protein 70
CEP76Centrosomal protein 76
CEP78Centrosomal protein 78
CEP83Centrosomal protein 83
CEP85Centrosomal protein 85
CEP85LCentrosomal protein 85 like
CEP89Centrosomal protein 89
CEP95Centrosomal protein 95
CEP97Centrosomal protein 97
CEPT1Choline/ethanolamine phosphotransferase 1
CERCAMCerebral endothelial cell adhesion molecule
CERKCeramide kinase
CERS2Ceramide synthase 2
CERS5Ceramide synthase 5
CERS6Ceramide synthase 6
CES2Carboxylesterase 2
CETN2Centrin 2
CETN3Centrin 3
CFAP20Cilia and flagella associated protein 20
CFAP36Cilia and flagella associated protein 36
CFAP44Cilia and flagella associated protein 44
CFAP53Cilia and flagella associated protein 53
CFAP54Cilia and flagella associated protein 54
CFAP69Cilia and flagella associated protein 69
CFAP70Cilia and flagella associated protein 70
CFAP74Cilia and flagella associated protein 74
CFAP97Cilia and flagella associated protein 97
CFBComplement factor B
CFDComplement factor D
CFDP1Craniofacial development protein 1
CFHComplement factor H
CFHR1Complement factor H related 1
CFL1Cofilin 1
CFL2Cofilin 2
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