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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
GCDHGlutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase
GCFC2GC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor 2
GCGRGlucagon receptor
GCHFRGTP cyclohydrolase I feedback regulator
GCLCGlutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit
GCLMGlutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit
GCM2Glial cells missing homolog 2
GCN1GCN1, eIF2 alpha kinase activator homolog
GCNT1Glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 1, core 2
GCNT2Glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 2, I-branching enzyme (I blood group)
GCNT4Glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 4, core 2
GCSHGlycine cleavage system protein H
GDAGuanine deaminase
GDAP1Ganglioside induced differentiation associated protein 1
GDAP1L1Ganglioside induced differentiation associated protein 1 like 1
GDAP2Ganglioside induced differentiation associated protein 2
GDE1Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase 1
GDF1Growth differentiation factor 1
GDF11Growth differentiation factor 11
GDF9Growth differentiation factor 9
GDI1GDP dissociation inhibitor 1
GDI2GDP dissociation inhibitor 2
GDPD1Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 1
GDPGP1GDP-D-glucose phosphorylase 1
GEMGTP binding protein overexpressed in skeletal muscle
GEMIN2Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 2
GEMIN4Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 4
GEMIN5Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 5
GEMIN6Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 6
GEMIN7Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 7
GEMIN8Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 8
GEN1GEN1, Holliday junction 5' flap endonuclease
GET4Golgi to ER traffic protein 4
GFAPGlial fibrillary acidic protein
GFERGrowth factor, augmenter of liver regeneration
GFM1G elongation factor mitochondrial 1
GFM2G elongation factor mitochondrial 2
GFOD1Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 1
GFOD2Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 2
GFPT1Glutamine--fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 1
GFPT2Glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 2
GFRA1GDNF family receptor alpha 1
GGA1Golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 1
GGA2Golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 2
GGA3Golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 3
GGACTGamma-glutamylamine cyclotransferase
GGCXGamma-glutamyl carboxylase
GGHGamma-glutamyl hydrolase
GGNBP2Gametogenetin binding protein 2
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