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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
FCRLBFc receptor like B
FDCSPFollicular dendritic cell secreted protein
FFAR1Free fatty acid receptor 1
FGD2FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 2
FGD6FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 6
FNDC9Fibronectin type III domain containing 9
FOXO1Forkhead box O1
FRMPD3FERM and PDZ domain containing 3
GALPGalanin like peptide
GCH1GTP cyclohydrolase 1
GGA2Golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 2
GLS2Glutaminase 2
GLYATL1Glycine-N-acyltransferase like 1
GLYATL1BGlycine-N-acyltransferase like 1B
GNALG protein subunit alpha L
GNB3G protein subunit beta 3
GNG7G protein subunit gamma 7
GNGT2G protein subunit gamma transducin 2
GPER1G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1
GPLD1Glycosylphosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase D1
GPR52G protein-coupled receptor 52
GPR65G protein-coupled receptor 65
GRAPGRB2-related adaptor protein
GRID1Glutamate ionotropic receptor delta type subunit 1
GRIK1Glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 1
GRIN2BGlutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2B
GTSF1LGametocyte specific factor 1 like
HAVCR2Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2
HCLS1Hematopoietic cell-specific Lyn substrate 1
HES7Hes family bHLH transcription factor 7
HIST1H3JHistone cluster 1 H3 family member j
HLA-DOAMajor histocompatibility complex, class II, DO alpha
HLA-DPA1Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP alpha 1
HLA-DRAMajor histocompatibility complex, class II, DR alpha
HMGN5High mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5
HRKHarakiri, BCL2 interacting protein
HSFX3Heat shock transcription factor family, X-linked member 3
HSH2DHematopoietic SH2 domain containing
HTR3A5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A
ICOSLGInducible T cell costimulator ligand
IFI30IFI30, lysosomal thiol reductase
IKZF1IKAROS family zinc finger 1
IL10RAInterleukin 10 receptor subunit alpha
IL12RB1Interleukin 12 receptor subunit beta 1
IL16Interleukin 16
IL21RInterleukin 21 receptor
IL4RInterleukin 4 receptor
INCA1Inhibitor of CDK, cyclin A1 interacting protein 1
IRF8Interferon regulatory factor 8
ISG20Interferon stimulated exonuclease gene 20
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