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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
KIRREL3Kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 3
KRT38Keratin 38
KRTAP1-1Keratin associated protein 1-1
KRTAP2-3Keratin associated protein 2-3
LAMB2Laminin subunit beta 2
LBHLimb bud and heart development
LCNL1Lipocalin like 1
LDB2LIM domain binding 2
LIMA1LIM domain and actin binding 1
LIMS2LIM zinc finger domain containing 2
LMO7LIM domain 7
LMO7DNLMO7 downstream neighbor
LMOD1Leiomodin 1
LOXLysyl oxidase
LOXL2Lysyl oxidase like 2
LRP1LDL receptor related protein 1
LRRC15Leucine rich repeat containing 15
LRRC2Leucine rich repeat containing 2
LTBP2Latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2
LYNX1Ly6/neurotoxin 1
LYPD6LY6/PLAUR domain containing 6
LYPD6BLY6/PLAUR domain containing 6B
MAGED1MAGE family member D1
MALLMal, T cell differentiation protein like
MAP1AMicrotubule associated protein 1A
MARCH4Membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 4
MEIS2Meis homeobox 2
METTL24Methyltransferase like 24
MFAP4Microfibril associated protein 4
MFGE8Milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein
MGARPMitochondria localized glutamic acid rich protein
MKXMohawk homeobox
MOXD1Monooxygenase DBH like 1
MRASMuscle RAS oncogene homolog
MRC2Mannose receptor C type 2
MRGPRFMAS related GPR family member F
MRVI1Murine retrovirus integration site 1 homolog
MSRB3Methionine sulfoxide reductase B3
MXRA5Matrix remodeling associated 5
MXRA8Matrix remodeling associated 8
MYH2Myosin heavy chain 2
MYL9Myosin light chain 9
MYLKMyosin light chain kinase
NAALADL1N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase like 1
NAALADL2N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase like 2
NDNFNeuron derived neurotrophic factor
NEK7NIMA related kinase 7
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