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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
IST1IST1, ESCRT-III associated factor
ZNF821Zinc finger protein 821
PKD1L3Polycystin 1 like 3, transient receptor potential channel interacting
DHODHDihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone)
TXNL4BThioredoxin like 4B
HPRHaptoglobin-related protein
DHX38DEAH-box helicase 38
PMFBP1Polyamine modulated factor 1 binding protein 1
ZFHX3Zinc finger homeobox 3
PSMD7Proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 7
NPIPB15Nuclear pore complex interacting protein family member B15
CLEC18BC-type lectin domain family 18 member B
GLG1Golgi glycoprotein 1
RFWD3Ring finger and WD repeat domain 3
MLKLMixed lineage kinase domain like pseudokinase
FA2HFatty acid 2-hydroxylase
WDR59WD repeat domain 59
ZNRF1Zinc and ring finger 1
LDHDLactate dehydrogenase D
ZFP1ZFP1 zinc finger protein
CTRB2Chymotrypsinogen B2
CTRB1Chymotrypsinogen B1
BCAR1BCAR1, Cas family scaffolding protein
CFDP1Craniofacial development protein 1
TMEM170ATransmembrane protein 170A
CHST6Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 6
CHST5Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 5
TMEM231Transmembrane protein 231
GABARAPL2GABA type A receptor associated protein like 2
ADAT1Adenosine deaminase, tRNA specific 1
KARSLysyl-tRNA synthetase
TERF2IPTERF2 interacting protein
DUXBDouble homeobox B
CPHXLCytoplasmic polyadenylated homeobox like
CNTNAP4Contactin associated protein like 4
MON1BMON1 homolog B, secretory trafficking associated
SYCE1LSynaptonemal complex central element protein 1 like
ADAMTS18ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 18
NUDT7Nudix hydrolase 7
VAT1LVesicle amine transport 1 like
CLEC3AC-type lectin domain family 3 member A
WWOXWW domain containing oxidoreductase
MAFMAF bZIP transcription factor
DYNLRB2Dynein light chain roadblock-type 2
CDYL2Chromodomain Y like 2
CMC2C-X9-C motif containing 2
CENPNCentromere protein N
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