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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
FZD2Frizzled class receptor 2
MEIOCMeiosis specific with coiled-coil domain
CCDC43Coiled-coil domain containing 43
DBF4BDBF4 zinc finger B
ADAM11ADAM metallopeptidase domain 11
GJC1Gap junction protein gamma 1
HIGD1BHIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family member 1B
EFTUD2Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing 2
CCDC103Coiled-coil domain containing 103
FAM187AFamily with sequence similarity 187 member A
GFAPGlial fibrillary acidic protein
KIF18BKinesin family member 18B
C1QL1Complement C1q like 1
DCAKDDephospho-CoA kinase domain containing
NMT1N-myristoyltransferase 1
PLCD3Phospholipase C delta 3
ACBD4Acyl-CoA binding domain containing 4
HEXIM1Hexamethylene bisacetamide inducible 1
HEXIM2Hexamethylene bisacetamide inducible 2
FMNL1Formin like 1
SPATA32Spermatogenesis associated 32
MAP3K14Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14
ARHGAP27Rho GTPase activating protein 27
PLEKHM1Pleckstrin homology and RUN domain containing M1
LINC02210-CRHR1LINC02210-CRHR1 readthrough
CRHR1Corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1
SPPL2CSignal peptide peptidase like 2C
MAPTMicrotubule associated protein tau
KANSL1KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1
ARL17BADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 17B
LRRC37ALeucine rich repeat containing 37A
LRRC37A2Leucine rich repeat containing 37 member A2
ARL17AADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 17A
NSFN-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor, vesicle fusing ATPase
WNT3Wnt family member 3
WNT9BWnt family member 9B
GOSR2Golgi SNAP receptor complex member 2
RPRMLReprimo like
CDC27Cell division cycle 27
MYL4Myosin light chain 4
ITGB3Integrin subunit beta 3
EFCAB13EF-hand calcium binding domain 13
NPEPPSAminopeptidase puromycin sensitive
KPNB1Karyopherin subunit beta 1
TBKBP1TBK1 binding protein 1
TBX21T-box 21
OSBPL7Oxysterol binding protein like 7
MRPL10Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L10
LRRC46Leucine rich repeat containing 46
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