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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
POLR2DRNA polymerase II subunit D
SAP130Sin3A associated protein 130
UGGT1UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1
HS6ST1Heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 1
RAB6CRAB6C, member RAS oncogene family
POTEFPOTE ankyrin domain family member F
CCDC74BCoiled-coil domain containing 74B
SMPD4Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4
MZT2BMitotic spindle organizing protein 2B
TUBA3ETubulin alpha 3e
CCDC115Coiled-coil domain containing 115
IMP4IMP4, U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein
PTPN18Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 18
POTEIPOTE ankyrin domain family member I
CFC1BCripto, FRL-1, cryptic family 1B
PRSS40BSerine protease 40B
PRSS40ASerine protease 40A
CFC1Cripto, FRL-1, cryptic family 1
POTEJPOTE ankyrin domain family member J
GPR148G protein-coupled receptor 148
AMER3APC membrane recruitment protein 3
ARHGEF4Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4
FAM168BFamily with sequence similarity 168 member B
PLEKHB2Pleckstrin homology domain containing B2
POTEEPOTE ankyrin domain family member E
RAB6DRAB6D, member RAS oncogene family
MZT2AMitotic spindle organizing protein 2A
TUBA3DTubulin alpha 3d
CCDC74ACoiled-coil domain containing 74A
ANKRD30BLAnkyrin repeat domain 30B like
GPR39G protein-coupled receptor 39
LYPD1LY6/PLAUR domain containing 1
NCKAP5NCK associated protein 5
MGAT5Mannosyl (alpha-1,6-)-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase
TMEM163Transmembrane protein 163
ACMSDAminocarboxymuconate semialdehyde decarboxylase
CCNT2Cyclin T2
MAP3K19Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 19
RAB3GAP1RAB3 GTPase activating protein catalytic subunit 1
ZRANB3Zinc finger RANBP2-type containing 3
R3HDM1R3H domain containing 1
UBXN4UBX domain protein 4
MCM6Minichromosome maintenance complex component 6
DARSAspartyl-tRNA synthetase
CXCR4C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4
THSD7BThrombospondin type 1 domain containing 7B
HNMTHistamine N-methyltransferase
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