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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
CCR7C-C motif chemokine receptor 7
CCT2Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 2
CCT4Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 4
CCZ1CCZ1 homolog, vacuolar protein trafficking and biogenesis associated
CCZ1BCCZ1 homolog B, vacuolar protein trafficking and biogenesis associated
CD109CD109 molecule
CD163CD163 molecule
CD1DCD1d molecule
CD200R1CD200 receptor 1
CD226CD226 molecule
CD24CD24 molecule
CD2APCD2 associated protein
CD2BP2CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2
CD36CD36 molecule
CD38CD38 molecule
CD3ECD3e molecule
CD3EAPCD3e molecule associated protein
CD3GCD3g molecule
CD4CD4 molecule
CD44CD44 molecule (Indian blood group)
CD47CD47 molecule
CD48CD48 molecule
CD63CD63 molecule
CD68CD68 molecule
CD74CD74 molecule
CD79BCD79b molecule
CD81CD81 molecule
CD84CD84 molecule
CD86CD86 molecule
CD8ACD8a molecule
CD8BCD8b molecule
CD9CD9 molecule
CD99L2CD99 molecule like 2
CDAN1Codanin 1
CDC14ACell division cycle 14A
CDC14BCell division cycle 14B
CDC20Cell division cycle 20
CDC25CCell division cycle 25C
CDC27Cell division cycle 27
CDC34Cell division cycle 34
CDC37Cell division cycle 37
CDC37L1Cell division cycle 37 like 1
CDC40Cell division cycle 40
CDC42Cell division cycle 42
CDC42BPGCDC42 binding protein kinase gamma
CDC42EP1CDC42 effector protein 1
CDC42EP2CDC42 effector protein 2
CDC42EP3CDC42 effector protein 3
CDC42EP4CDC42 effector protein 4
CDC42SE1CDC42 small effector 1
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