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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
CTDSP1CTD small phosphatase 1
CTDSP2CTD small phosphatase 2
CTDSPLCTD small phosphatase like
CTRCChymotrypsin C
CTSACathepsin A
CTSBCathepsin B
CTSCCathepsin C
CTSDCathepsin D
CTSECathepsin E
CTSFCathepsin F
CTSGCathepsin G
CTSHCathepsin H
CTSKCathepsin K
CTSLCathepsin L
CTSOCathepsin O
CTSSCathepsin S
CTSVCathepsin V
CTSZCathepsin Z
CYLDCYLD lysine 63 deubiquitinase
DCP2Decapping mRNA 2
DCPSDecapping enzyme, scavenger
DCTDDCMP deaminase
DCTPP1DCTP pyrophosphatase 1
DDAH1Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1
DDAH2Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2
DDX1DEAD-box helicase 1
DDX10DEAD-box helicase 10
DDX11DEAD/H-box helicase 11
DDX17DEAD-box helicase 17
DDX18DEAD-box helicase 18
DDX19ADEAD-box helicase 19A
DDX19BDEAD-box helicase 19B
DDX20DEAD-box helicase 20
DDX21DExD-box helicase 21
DDX23DEAD-box helicase 23
DDX24DEAD-box helicase 24
DDX25DEAD-box helicase 25
DDX27DEAD-box helicase 27
DDX28DEAD-box helicase 28
DDX31DEAD-box helicase 31
DDX39ADExD-box helicase 39A
DDX39BDExD-box helicase 39B
DDX3XDEAD-box helicase 3, X-linked
DDX3YDEAD-box helicase 3, Y-linked
DDX4DEAD-box helicase 4
DDX41DEAD-box helicase 41
DDX42DEAD-box helicase 42
DDX43DEAD-box helicase 43
DDX46DEAD-box helicase 46
DDX47DEAD-box helicase 47
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