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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
KCNU1Potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily U member 1
KCNV1Potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily V member 1
KCNV2Potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily V member 2
KCTD8Potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 8
KDELR1KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 1
KDELR2KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 2
KDELR3KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3
KDRKinase insert domain receptor
KDSR3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase
KELKell blood group, metallo-endopeptidase
KHDC1KH domain containing 1
KIAA0319LKIAA0319 like
KIAA1024LKIAA1024 like
KIAA1324LKIAA1324 like
KIAA1549LKIAA1549 like
KIDINS220Kinase D interacting substrate 220
KIR2DL1Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, two Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 1
KIR2DL3Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, two Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 3
KIR2DL4Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, two Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 4
KIR3DL1Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, three Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 1
KIR3DL2Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, three Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 2
KIR3DL3Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, three Ig domains and long cytoplasmic tail 3
KIRREL1Kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 1
KIRREL2Kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 2
KIRREL3Kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 3
KISS1RKISS1 receptor
KITKIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase
KLBKlotho beta
KLHDC7AKelch domain containing 7A
KLHL2Kelch like family member 2
KLHL28Kelch like family member 28
KLHL31Kelch like family member 31
KLHL5Kelch like family member 5
KLHL7Kelch like family member 7
KLRB1Killer cell lectin like receptor B1
KLRC1Killer cell lectin like receptor C1
KLRC2Killer cell lectin like receptor C2
KLRC3Killer cell lectin like receptor C3
KLRC4Killer cell lectin like receptor C4
KLRD1Killer cell lectin like receptor D1
KLRF1Killer cell lectin like receptor F1
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