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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
CHI3L1Chitinase 3 like 1
CHI3L2Chitinase 3 like 2
CHIT1Chitinase 1
CHKBCholine kinase beta
CHL1Cell adhesion molecule L1 like
CHMP5Charged multivesicular body protein 5
CHN1Chimerin 1
CHN2Chimerin 2
CHP1Calcineurin like EF-hand protein 1
CHTOPChromatin target of PRMT1
CIITAClass II major histocompatibility complex transactivator
CIRBPCold inducible RNA binding protein
CITED2Cbp/p300 interacting transactivator with Glu/Asp rich carboxy-terminal domain 2
CIZ1CDKN1A interacting zinc finger protein 1
CKAP5Cytoskeleton associated protein 5
CKBCreatine kinase B
CKMCreatine kinase, M-type
CKMT2Creatine kinase, mitochondrial 2
CLCN2Chloride voltage-gated channel 2
CLCN5Chloride voltage-gated channel 5
CLCN6Chloride voltage-gated channel 6
CLEC11AC-type lectin domain containing 11A
CLEC3BC-type lectin domain family 3 member B
CLIC1Chloride intracellular channel 1
CLIC3Chloride intracellular channel 3
CLINT1Clathrin interactor 1
CLIP1CAP-Gly domain containing linker protein 1
CLIP2CAP-Gly domain containing linker protein 2
CLPBClpB homolog, mitochondrial AAA ATPase chaperonin
CLSTN1Calsyntenin 1
CLTAClathrin light chain A
CLTBClathrin light chain B
CLTCClathrin heavy chain
CLTCL1Clathrin heavy chain like 1
CMA1Chymase 1
CMASCytidine monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase
CMPK1Cytidine/uridine monophosphate kinase 1
CNBPCCHC-type zinc finger nucleic acid binding protein
CNDP1Carnosine dipeptidase 1
CNDP2Carnosine dipeptidase 2
CNGB1Cyclic nucleotide gated channel beta 1
CNN2Calponin 2
CNN3Calponin 3
CNOT1CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 1
CNOT8CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 8
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