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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
ATP9AATPase phospholipid transporting 9A (putative)
ATP9BATPase phospholipid transporting 9B (putative)
ATRATR serine/threonine kinase
ATRAIDAll-trans retinoic acid induced differentiation factor
ATRNL1Attractin like 1
ATXN3Ataxin 3
AUP1AUP1, lipid droplet regulating VLDL assembly factor
AVL9AVL9 cell migration associated
AVPR1AArginine vasopressin receptor 1A
AVPR1BArginine vasopressin receptor 1B
AVPR2Arginine vasopressin receptor 2
AWAT1Acyl-CoA wax alcohol acyltransferase 1
AWAT2Acyl-CoA wax alcohol acyltransferase 2
AXLAXL receptor tyrosine kinase
B3GALT2Beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 2
B3GAT2Beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 2
B3GNT10UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 10 (putative)
B3GNT2UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2
B4GALNT2Beta-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyltransferase 2
B4GALT1Beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase 1
B4GALT2Beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase 2
BACE1Beta-secretase 1
BACE2Beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2
BAK1BCL2 antagonist/killer 1
BAMBIBMP and activin membrane bound inhibitor
BCAMBasal cell adhesion molecule (Lutheran blood group)
BCAP29B cell receptor associated protein 29
BCAP31B cell receptor associated protein 31
BCL2BCL2, apoptosis regulator
BCL2L1BCL2 like 1
BCL2L10BCL2 like 10
BCL2L13BCL2 like 13
BCL2L2BCL2 like 2
BCS1LBCS1 homolog, ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex chaperone
BDKRB1Bradykinin receptor B1
BDKRB2Bradykinin receptor B2
BDNFBrain derived neurotrophic factor
BEAN1Brain expressed associated with NEDD4 1
BEST1Bestrophin 1
BEST2Bestrophin 2
BEST3Bestrophin 3
BEST4Bestrophin 4
BET1Bet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein
BET1LBet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein like
BFARBifunctional apoptosis regulator
BIKBCL2 interacting killer
BMPR1ABone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1A
BMPR1BBone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1B
BMPR2Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2
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