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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
EPHB6EPH receptor B6
EPORErythropoietin receptor
EPSTI1Epithelial stromal interaction 1
ERBB2Erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2
ERBB3Erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 3
ERBB4Erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4
ERG28Ergosterol biosynthesis 28 homolog
ERGIC1Endoplasmic reticulum-golgi intermediate compartment 1
ERGIC2ERGIC and golgi 2
ERGIC3ERGIC and golgi 3
ERMAPErythroblast membrane associated protein (Scianna blood group)
ERMARDER membrane associated RNA degradation
ERMP1Endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1
ERN1Endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 1
ERN2Endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 2
ERVMER34-1Endogenous retrovirus group MER34 member 1, envelope
ERVV-1Endogenous retrovirus group V member 1, envelope
ERVV-2Endogenous retrovirus group V member 2, envelope
ESAMEndothelial cell adhesion molecule
ESPL1Extra spindle pole bodies like 1, separase
ESYT1Extended synaptotagmin 1
ESYT2Extended synaptotagmin 2
ESYT3Extended synaptotagmin 3
ETFDHElectron transfer flavoprotein dehydrogenase
ETNK1Ethanolamine kinase 1
EVA1AEva-1 homolog A, regulator of programmed cell death
EVA1CEva-1 homolog C
EVCEvC ciliary complex subunit 1
EVC2EvC ciliary complex subunit 2
EVI2AEcotropic viral integration site 2A
EVI2BEcotropic viral integration site 2B
EVI5Ecotropic viral integration site 5
EVI5LEcotropic viral integration site 5 like
EXD2Exonuclease 3'-5' domain containing 2
EXT1Exostosin glycosyltransferase 1
EXT2Exostosin glycosyltransferase 2
EXTL3Exostosin like glycosyltransferase 3
F11RF11 receptor
F2RCoagulation factor II thrombin receptor
F2RL1F2R like trypsin receptor 1
F2RL3F2R like thrombin or trypsin receptor 3
F3Coagulation factor III, tissue factor
FA2HFatty acid 2-hydroxylase
FAAHFatty acid amide hydrolase
FADS1Fatty acid desaturase 1
FADS2Fatty acid desaturase 2
FADS3Fatty acid desaturase 3
FADS6Fatty acid desaturase 6
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