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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
FOXJ1Forkhead box J1
FOXJ2Forkhead box J2
FOXJ3Forkhead box J3
FOXK1Forkhead box K1
FOXK2Forkhead box K2
FOXL2Forkhead box L2
FOXM1Forkhead box M1
FOXN2Forkhead box N2
FOXN3Forkhead box N3
FOXN4Forkhead box N4
FOXO1Forkhead box O1
FOXO3Forkhead box O3
FOXO4Forkhead box O4
FOXP1Forkhead box P1
FOXP2Forkhead box P2
FOXP3Forkhead box P3
FOXP4Forkhead box P4
FOXQ1Forkhead box Q1
FOXR2Forkhead box R2
FOXS1Forkhead box S1
GABPAGA binding protein transcription factor alpha subunit
GATA1GATA binding protein 1
GATA2GATA binding protein 2
GATA3GATA binding protein 3
GATA4GATA binding protein 4
GATA5GATA binding protein 5
GATA6GATA binding protein 6
GATAD1GATA zinc finger domain containing 1
GATAD2AGATA zinc finger domain containing 2A
GATAD2BGATA zinc finger domain containing 2B
GBX1Gastrulation brain homeobox 1
GBX2Gastrulation brain homeobox 2
GCM1Glial cells missing homolog 1
GFI1Growth factor independent 1 transcriptional repressor
GFI1BGrowth factor independent 1B transcriptional repressor
GLI1GLI family zinc finger 1
GLI2GLI family zinc finger 2
GLI3GLI family zinc finger 3
GLI4GLI family zinc finger 4
GLIS1GLIS family zinc finger 1
GLIS2GLIS family zinc finger 2
GLIS3GLIS family zinc finger 3
GMEB1Glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 1
GMEB2Glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 2
GRHL1Grainyhead like transcription factor 1
GRHL2Grainyhead like transcription factor 2
GRHL3Grainyhead like transcription factor 3
GSC2Goosecoid homeobox 2
GSX1GS homeobox 1
GTF3AGeneral transcription factor IIIA
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