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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
SWSAP1SWIM-type zinc finger 7 associated protein 1
SYCE1Synaptonemal complex central element protein 1
SYKSpleen associated tyrosine kinase
SYNJ1Synaptojanin 1
TACC3Transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 3
TADA1Transcriptional adaptor 1
TAOK2TAO kinase 2
TARSThreonyl-tRNA synthetase
TEX9Testis expressed 9
TFGTRK-fused gene
TGM2Transglutaminase 2
THAP11THAP domain containing 11
THNSL1Threonine synthase like 1
THSD1Thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 1
THUMPD3THUMP domain containing 3
TKFCTriokinase and FMN cyclase
TKTL1Transketolase like 1
TLR10Toll like receptor 10
TMEM123Transmembrane protein 123
TMEM134Transmembrane protein 134
TP53INP1Tumor protein p53 inducible nuclear protein 1
TPPPTubulin polymerization promoting protein
TRAPPC11Trafficking protein particle complex 11
TRIB1Tribbles pseudokinase 1
TRIOTrio Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor
TRPM7Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 7
TSNARE1T-SNARE domain containing 1
TSPAN31Tetraspanin 31
TSPAN6Tetraspanin 6
TTLL5Tubulin tyrosine ligase like 5
TWSG1Twisted gastrulation BMP signaling modulator 1
TXNDC11Thioredoxin domain containing 11
TXNRD2Thioredoxin reductase 2
TYK2Tyrosine kinase 2
TYMPThymidine phosphorylase
TYW3TRNA-yW synthesizing protein 3 homolog
UAP1UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase 1
UBA3Ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 3
UBE2CUbiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 C
UBE2MUbiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 M
UCHL1Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1
UHRF1BP1LUHRF1 binding protein 1 like
UMPSUridine monophosphate synthetase
USH1CUSH1 protein network component harmonin
USP10Ubiquitin specific peptidase 10
USP11Ubiquitin specific peptidase 11
USP13Ubiquitin specific peptidase 13
USP14Ubiquitin specific peptidase 14
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