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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
MSMPMicroseminoprotein, prostate associated
MST1RMacrophage stimulating 1 receptor
MTERF4Mitochondrial transcription termination factor 4
MTFMTMitochondrial methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase
MTMR10Myotubularin related protein 10
MTO1Mitochondrial tRNA translation optimization 1
MTORMechanistic target of rapamycin kinase
MTSS1MTSS1, I-BAR domain containing
MTURNMaturin, neural progenitor differentiation regulator homolog
MUC20Mucin 20, cell surface associated
MUL1Mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
MUTMethylmalonyl-CoA mutase
MVDMevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase
MXI1MAX interactor 1, dimerization protein
MYBMYB proto-oncogene, transcription factor
MYBL2MYB proto-oncogene like 2
MYH10Myosin heavy chain 10
MYH15Myosin heavy chain 15
MYMXMyomixer, myoblast fusion factor
MYO15BMyosin XVB
MYO1DMyosin ID
MYO1EMyosin IE
MYOZ2Myozenin 2
MYRFMyelin regulatory factor
MYT1Myelin transcription factor 1
MZT2AMitotic spindle organizing protein 2A
MZT2BMitotic spindle organizing protein 2B
N4BP2NEDD4 binding protein 2
NAB2NGFI-A binding protein 2
NACANascent polypeptide-associated complex alpha subunit
NACA2Nascent polypeptide associated complex alpha subunit 2
NACADNAC alpha domain containing
NADSYN1NAD synthetase 1
NAGKN-acetylglucosamine kinase
NAIF1Nuclear apoptosis inducing factor 1
NAP1L5Nucleosome assembly protein 1 like 5
NAPEPLDN-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D
NAPGNSF attachment protein gamma
NARFLNuclear prelamin A recognition factor like
NAV3Neuron navigator 3
NAXENAD(P)HX epimerase
NBEAL1Neurobeachin like 1
NBPF4NBPF member 4
NBPF6NBPF member 6
NCKAP1NCK associated protein 1
NCKAP5NCK associated protein 5
NCOA4Nuclear receptor coactivator 4
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