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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
CD2APCD2 associated protein
CD300ACD300a molecule
CD320CD320 molecule
CD3GCD3g molecule
CDC123Cell division cycle 123
CDC14ACell division cycle 14A
CDC42EP2CDC42 effector protein 2
CDC6Cell division cycle 6
CDCA3Cell division cycle associated 3
CDCA4Cell division cycle associated 4
CDK17Cyclin dependent kinase 17
CDK3Cyclin dependent kinase 3
CDKN1CCyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1C
CDKN2CCyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2C
CDO1Cysteine dioxygenase type 1
CDPF1Cysteine rich DPF motif domain containing 1
CDR2LCerebellar degeneration related protein 2 like
CDX4Caudal type homeobox 4
CEBPECCAAT/enhancer binding protein epsilon
CELA3AChymotrypsin like elastase family member 3A
CELA3BChymotrypsin like elastase family member 3B
CELSR2Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2
CENPECentromere protein E
CENPICentromere protein I
CENPVCentromere protein V
CEP120Centrosomal protein 120
CEP128Centrosomal protein 128
CEP170BCentrosomal protein 170B
CEP192Centrosomal protein 192
CEP57L1Centrosomal protein 57 like 1
CEP70Centrosomal protein 70
CEP97Centrosomal protein 97
CERKLCeramide kinase like
CES2Carboxylesterase 2
CES4ACarboxylesterase 4A
CFAP54Cilia and flagella associated protein 54
CFAP57Cilia and flagella associated protein 57
CFAP58Cilia and flagella associated protein 58
CFAP65Cilia and flagella associated protein 65
CFAP77Cilia and flagella associated protein 77
CFL2Cofilin 2
CGB1Chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit 1
CGB2Chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit 2
CGB3Chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit 3
CGB5Chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit 5
CGB7Chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit 7
CGB8Chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit 8
CHAC2ChaC cation transport regulator homolog 2
CHD5Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 5
CHIC1Cysteine rich hydrophobic domain 1
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