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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
CCND2Cyclin D2
CCNE1Cyclin E1
CCNG1Cyclin G1
CCNI2Cyclin I family member 2
CCNQCyclin Q
CCNYL1Cyclin Y like 1
CCR10C-C motif chemokine receptor 10
CCT2Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 2
CCT4Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 4
CCT6AChaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 6A
CCT6BChaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 6B
CCT8Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 8
CCZ1CCZ1 homolog, vacuolar protein trafficking and biogenesis associated
CCZ1BCCZ1 homolog B, vacuolar protein trafficking and biogenesis associated
CD207CD207 molecule
CD24CD24 molecule
CD248CD248 molecule
CD2BP2CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2
CD36CD36 molecule
CD37CD37 molecule
CD38CD38 molecule
CD3ECD3e molecule
CD44CD44 molecule (Indian blood group)
CD74CD74 molecule
CD93CD93 molecule
CDADC1Cytidine and dCMP deaminase domain containing 1
CDC25ACell division cycle 25A
CDC25BCell division cycle 25B
CDC25CCell division cycle 25C
CDC34Cell division cycle 34
CDC42Cell division cycle 42
CDC42BPACDC42 binding protein kinase alpha
CDC42EP1CDC42 effector protein 1
CDC6Cell division cycle 6
CDC7Cell division cycle 7
CDC73Cell division cycle 73
CDCA2Cell division cycle associated 2
CDCA5Cell division cycle associated 5
CDCA7Cell division cycle associated 7
CDCA7LCell division cycle associated 7 like
CDCA8Cell division cycle associated 8
CDH1Cadherin 1
CDH5Cadherin 5
CDH6Cadherin 6
CDH8Cadherin 8
CDK10Cyclin dependent kinase 10
CDK18Cyclin dependent kinase 18
CDK2Cyclin dependent kinase 2
CDK2AP1Cyclin dependent kinase 2 associated protein 1
CDK3Cyclin dependent kinase 3
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