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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
CADM1Cell adhesion molecule 1
CALCRLCalcitonin receptor like receptor
CALD1Caldesmon 1
CAMK2BCalcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II beta
CASKIN2CASK interacting protein 2
CAVIN1Caveolae associated protein 1
CAVIN2Caveolae associated protein 2
CAVIN4Caveolae associated protein 4
CCBE1Collagen and calcium binding EGF domains 1
CCDC112Coiled-coil domain containing 112
CCDC115Coiled-coil domain containing 115
CCDC124Coiled-coil domain containing 124
CCDC85CCoiled-coil domain containing 85C
CCDC93Coiled-coil domain containing 93
CCR3C-C motif chemokine receptor 3
CCR4C-C motif chemokine receptor 4
CD109CD109 molecule
CD163CD163 molecule
CD200R1CD200 receptor 1
CD226CD226 molecule
CD274CD274 molecule
CD2APCD2 associated protein
CD33CD33 molecule
CD38CD38 molecule
CD3ECD3e molecule
CD3GCD3g molecule
CD4CD4 molecule
CD44CD44 molecule (Indian blood group)
CD47CD47 molecule
CD48CD48 molecule
CD79BCD79b molecule
CD81CD81 molecule
CD84CD84 molecule
CD86CD86 molecule
CD8ACD8a molecule
CD8BCD8b molecule
CD9CD9 molecule
CD99L2CD99 molecule like 2
CDAN1Codanin 1
CDC42EP1CDC42 effector protein 1
CDC42EP3CDC42 effector protein 3
CDC42EP4CDC42 effector protein 4
CDC42SE1CDC42 small effector 1
CDH1Cadherin 1
CDH13Cadherin 13
CDH15Cadherin 15
CDH17Cadherin 17
CDH2Cadherin 2
CDH26Cadherin 26
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