HPA Tissue resource for Young Minds


An article about the HPA has been published in the magazine Frontiers for Young Minds, explaining the Atlas's purpose and work in simple, engaging language. The magazine is aimed at children and teenagers, but anyone curious about how scientists map cells and tissues in the human body will find the article informative.

In the article, researchers from the Tissue resource describe how they explore the human body much like Vikings who once explored new lands. Featuring original illustrations and clear, straightforward text, the article explains the process of collecting and preparing tissue samples, followed by detailed analyses to identify the proteins present in various tissues and cells using both IHC and multiplex IHC.

Exciting findings from their projects are also highlighted, such as the detection of cancer cells in HGSOC and the identification of proteins in ciliated cells in the fallopian tubes.

Sparking curiosity in young minds is both fun and important. Inspired by the opportunity to reach a broader audience, the researchers decided to write for Frontiers for Young Minds as a way to make cutting-edge research accessible and engaging for all. Hopefully, young readers will explore the Atlas and enjoy all its beautiful images and figures.

Read the article