News ArticlesThe circulating proteome - developments, challenges, and trendsIn an article in the Journal of Proteome Research representatives of HUPO's Human Plasma Proteome Project (HPPP), including several HPA affiliated researchers, present the current progress in the study and mapping of the circulating proteome and discuss how updates of proteomics methods, emerging technologies, and investigations of proteoforms and protein networks can impact the understanding of the proteins circulating in blood...Read more HPA Tissue resource for Young MindsAn article about the HPA has been published in the magazine Frontiers for Young Minds, explaining the Atlas's purpose and work in simple, engaging language. The magazine is aimed at children and teenagers, but anyone curious about how scientists map cells and tissues in the human body will find the article informative...Read more The role of SPP1 + macrophages in hepatocellular carcinomaIn a publication in Frontiers in Immunology HPA related researchers investigated the roles of macrophages and T cells in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)...Read more New-onset autoantibodies emerge after COVID-19 and remain for one yearA recent study published in Nature Communications has unveiled a complex landscape of autoantibodies emerging after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Researchers investigated the development of autoantibodies in a large cohort of healthcare workers and hospitalized COVID-19 patients, tracking their emergence and persistence over a 16-month period...Read more Exposomics reveals distinctive and dynamic environmental chemical mixtures in bloodThe chemical exposome represents the sum of environmental chemical exposures throughout the life of an individual. These include exposure to chemicals from inhalation of polluted air, intake of dietary substances and pharmaceuticals, ingestion of contaminated food and water, but also to the metabolic products of gut microbiota. Chemical exposomes are readily measured in blood, but to conclusively link environmental exposures to disease etiology knowledge of their variability and longitudinal stability is required...Read more |