News Articles

HPA keynote lecture at the ELIXIR-organized All-Hands-conference


The Director of the Human Protein Atlas program Mathias Uhlen delivered a keynote lecture entitled "HPA - implications for human biology, drug development and precision medicine" at the ELIXIR conference in Uppsala...Read more

Mathias Uhlen honored with the Swedish Research Award 2017

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The Swedish Research Award 2017 has been awarded to Professor Mathias Uhlen by the foundation Research!Sweden. On the September 25th Mathias Uhlen will receive the award for research accomplishments regarding mapping of human proteins within the Human Protein Atlas. The mission of the Research!Sweden foundation is to raise awareness regarding the importance of medical research - for health and prosperity by honoring every year one researcher or politician with the award.

Anna Nilsson Vindefjärd general secretary of Research!Sweden motivates the nomination "Mathias Uhlén's research is extremely valuable both for today and future precision medicine...Read more